Nie masz ulubionych życzeń.
ocena: 4,82, wyświetlono: 2268
W dniu Walentynki niosę nowinki,
Że serce moje na zawsze Twoje.
Takie wyznanie przyjmij kochanie,
A potem niech się stanie co ma być.
Maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you’ve had, andwhat you’ve learned from them, and less to do with how many birthdaysyou’ve celebrated.
Before I knew you, I had always loved you,
Even as I dreamed of whom I'd love.
My inner picture was a portrait of you
Years before your heart my heart would move.
Vistas of enchantment are but rarely
As we find them in reality.
Love with you is what I dreamed, but really,
Eden as no dream could ever be.
Nor is this the magi...
Happiness is not a tended rose
Amid the prescient beauty of a garden:
Perhaps one senses soon some gate may close;
Perhaps one senses soon the earth will harden.
Years come and go like waves upon a shore,
Violent or peaceful with the wind.
After one has given up on more,
Love waits within the heart, its passion thinned.
Even in a passage void of light,
Życzenia na Walentynki.