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  3. Happiness is not a tended rose Amid the... - najlepsze życzenia

Najlepsze Happiness is not a tended rose Amid the... - najlepsze życzenia

ocena: 4,93, wyświetlono: 5236

Happiness is not a tended rose
Amid the prescient beauty of a garden:
Perhaps one senses soon some gate may close;
Perhaps one senses soon the earth will harden.
Years come and go like waves upon a shore,
Violent or peaceful with the wind.
After one has given up on more,
Love waits within the heart, its passion thinned.
Even in a passage void of light,
Nether windings black with rage and grief,
There are waters sweet with lost delight
In which one finds a strong, serene belief.
No happiness can overcome life's pain
Except one love, and love give life again.



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